The first Nomads project in Conakry was carried out from February to middle April 2012 in collaboration with local NGO as “Notre Monde” and “Tina Fan”.
The first works in the audiovisual and cinema field, the second holds a self-managed circus school for children with social deprivation problems and homelessness and provides rooms for a literacy course and for the activities of Notre Monde.
The collaboration with these two NGO started from our proposal to organize a workshop about video, audio and basic editing workshop.
The workshop aim was to provide to a group of young people the tools to tell their own point of view in a reality where they have very few chances to express themselves.
The 15 boys / girls who have attended the course came from poor neighborhoods with high crime level and have been selected by the members of Notre Monde.
Notre Monde president, Joseph Camara, and the educator Aliou ‘ndoy Bah proved to be valid collaborators, open to dialogue and sensitive to the student’s requests.
Our activities were focused on the workshops organization, the drafting of the manuals and the organization of practical lessons, while the lectures were given by’ Ndoy.
We tried to leave to the association all the materials and tools required to repeat the experience independently by our presence.
The interaction with the guys was interesting and dynamic and at the end of the course they realized 2 short videos about their daily experience: the training amateur football team and the day of a street shoes repairer.
We left a computer in the multipurpose room of Tina Fan and thanks to the internet key (in Conakry is very hard to get a basic internet connection at home), we set up the first experimental internet access for the youngs homeless who are living in the association rooms.
Our intention is to continue the project with the Association Notre Monde next year (2013).
We would like to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of the Internet point, if we can find one or two guys who live in the halls of the Association for a formation that allows to keep the computer running through the year, even if there are technical problems.
Among the activities sponsored by Notre Monde there is Ambulant Cinema (Traveling Cinema) that organizes screenings in villages and slums where the Cinema does not arrive.
Our aim is to show movies that deal with subjects able to open a dialogue and comparison with unknown or hidden realities (emigration from Africa, the situation of emigrated people to Europe, exploitation of their nation, homosexuality, …), and then carry out a project together where they can talk about their everyday life and their point of view about one of these content.
Behind the project there is the strong conviction that cinema has educational and emancipation purposes.
This project is being carried out by the association with difficulties because of the lack of resources.
We would like to be able to support the Ambulant Cinema organizing along with Notre Monde outputs and identifying what needs and resources are necessary to ensure the continuity of the project.
Since one of the most pressing problems in Conakry is the lack of a electricity supply, we are trying to inform about the possibilities of alternative and sustainable energy to be independent from the public service.